Pictures are ready!
Thanks to Beverly Maxwell Warfield and some other committee members and alumni, we have more than 100 photographs from our reunion picnic. Just head to the picture gallery section of this site and click on the link for the 2024 picnic. If you can help us identify more alumni, we would be grateful! And if you spot a misspelled name, send and email to us. We can still upload photos, too, which you can also send to our email. We appreciate it.
Thank you everyone!
The 2024 Clairton High School Reunion picnic is a wrap! We had at least 310 alumni and guests in the park – we’re still tabulating! – and made it through a hot, humid day with intermittent rain. So good to see so many classes gathered together with their memorabilia and more to make the day more festive. If you have photos, send them to our email. We have some we are preparing, and we'll let you know when they are posted on this site.
We want to thank especially the classes of 1964, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1974 and 1979 for sharing information on their individual events for us to post on our redesigned website. For those celebrating milestone reunion years, congratulations and please come back next year. We are also grateful to the classes that reserved space for their classmates to gather together and helped defray our tent, tables and chair rental costs.
Our thanks as well to Clairton City School District, and especially the high school football players, who came to share information on the Clairton Bears Academic and Athletic Association’s major project. As information becomes available, we will share it.
Thank you to all who purchased alumni ball caps and visors, took their chances on our basket raffle and basket of cheer raffle, as well as our annual Share the Wealth drawing. Those efforts help us keep the price of the event as low as possible.
We’re always looking for new members to serve on our committee. You don’t have to live in Western Pennsylvania! With technology, we can always keep you in the loop. If you’re interested, just reach out to us at our allchsclassreunions@gmail.com email or contact our co-chairs, Mary Ann Walker and Helen Plavchak Fallon.
Finally, save the date for our 2025 reunion: Saturday, Aug. 30, 2025, once again during Labor Day weekend. We’ve started the planning already!
The Clairton Reunion Picnic Committee
We have one unclaimed "Share The Wealth" ticket from the CHS Reunion Picnic 2024.
The GOLD ticket number is 3231836. If you have the winning ticket, please contact us through our email: allchsclassreunions@gmail.com.
August 29
We can't wait to see everyone at Clairton Park Lodge on Saturday for our CHS Reunion Picnic. Rain or shine, we'll have a great time greeting classmates, friends, family members and neighbors. Come ready to celebrate together and bring rain gear just in case ….
We'll keep updating the list of attendees on this site!
August 17
We're fast approaching our annual Clairton Reunion Picnic for all graduating classes on Saturday, Aug. 31 at Clairton Park Lodge! A few updates:
We will honor the memory of Dr. Don Taylor, a CHS 1949 alumnus and a former history teacher at CHS and CCAC South, during our program that day. A group of his 1960s alumni have raised more than $56,000 for two CCAC endowed scholarships in his memory. The first two $1,260 awards have been made, both to CHS alumni.
We have more than 14 baskets and some packed baskets of cheer to raffle off the day of the event. And of course, we'll have our annual Share the Wealth drawing, too.
We ordered more alumni ballcaps and visors to sell the day of the picnic at $25 each. We can also mail them to you for an additional charge. This fundraising is helping us keep costs low.
DJ Chad Licht is looking for song suggestions to play during the event. Send those on!
Individual classes – 1964, 1969, 1974 and 1985 – are planning gatherings around the picnic date. You will find information on those events on this site.
Don’t forget the early reservation deadline is Monday, Aug. 26. You can register and pay online on this site, or you can send in a reservation form. Remember: the price increases from $25 to $30 after Aug. 26.
Don't hesitate to email us with any questions. Looking forward to seeing you at the park!
July 2024
We getting closer to Labor Day weekend and our Clairton High School Reunion Picnic on Saturday, August 31. We will gather as usual at 11 a.m., and our meal will be served at 12:15 p.m.
First, good news: The cost will remain the same at $25 for advance registration by Monday, August 26 and $30 for walk-ins the day of the picnic. The cost includes a hot lunch with side dishes and a variety of desserts. An RSVP is available on this site. You can once again pay by Zelle, PayPal and other online methods if you prefer.
Second, what is planned so far: We have rented a big tent for all classes or groups of friends or families that want to join in and help defray that cost. We are bringing back the basket raffles and adding a basket of cheer in addition to our share the wealth raffle. This year we are ordering some CHS alumni ballcaps and visors to sell, and more information on how to place orders will soon be available. All these endeavors help us hold the line on our costs! Once again, Back Tracks and DJ Chad Licht will provide music and entertainment for the day.
If you want to reserve space in the big tent, have questions or want to volunteer to help us with the event, just send an email to allchsclassreunions@gmail.com.
Looking forward to seeing you on August 31!
Best, CHS 1971 grad Helen Plavchak Fallon and CHS 1966 grad Mary Ann Walker,
co-chairs, and the entire committee:
Dinean Follador Benack, CHS 1972
Joe Julian, CHS 1967
Karen Williamson, CHS 1969
Ralph Imbrogno, CHS
Gretchen Henning Zewe, CHS 1969
Adele Henning Kunz, CHS 1960
Ron Kunz, CHS 1960
Margie Henning Fairchild, CHS 1955
Janice Matyasovsky, CHS 1967
Karen George Ludwick, CHS 1972
Kim Lester, CHS 1972
Mary Ann Sekeres-Guthrie, CHS 1971
Eileen Behun, CHS 1957
Cynthia Long, CHS 1973
Cat Sinkler, CHS 1972
Beverly Maxwell Warfield, CHS 1972
Andrew Duboy
Jawanna McDougald Warren, CHS 1986